This article reflects my experience and discussions with other BPM and enterprise architects. I will attempt to justify my claims, however, there are, necessarily, many matters of opinion. The best practices are specifically aimed at BPMS architectures built on J2EE platform; however a lot of common practices are applicable to BPM products and architectures outside the J2EE platform. This article assumes that a BPM product has already been in place and architecture has to be built around it, to make full use of the product along with the other enterprise applications.
Goals of BPM Architecture
Since this architecture is being built on top of J2EE platform, all the best practices for J2EE enterprise applications holds true and not repeated in this article. Common best practices like robust OO design, extensibility, scalability, reusability and maintainability are precursors for a good BPMS architecture.
Process Data
The process data which are defined and carried by the process should be light weight as far as possible. For instance, if an employee detail is needed for the process, it is advisable to have a key for employee record and fetch the aggregate details whenever necessary. This would avoid the heavy data flow across the process and also no obsolete data would be retained in the BPM system, thereby BPM can avoid the expensive sync up calls between different applications.
Integration is the nerve center of any BPMS architecture. Since BPMS itself is tied to a product, integration layer should be a separate component outside the BPMS deployable artifact. Even better the integration layer can be deployed as services. This would pave way for future SOA interactions. Also, any business logic changes in the external systems wouldn’t affect the BPM layer, there by increasing scalability and maintainability of the BPM application.
Integration Layer
It’s imperative that BPM should interact with lot of other external systems. It is desirable to have a separate integration layer rather than clubbing all the integration logic and external calls into BPM adapters itself. The external calls can be wrapped as a separate artifact or even better can be deployed as a separate application in stand-alone server. As the BPMS application grows the number of external calls will increase proportionately. If this is the case, having integration layer as a separate server will be much more scalable. The additional responsibilities for integration layer would be orchestration, data transformation, presentation layer support etc.
BPM Process Data in Presentation Layer
There is a need to present the process data in applications external to BPMS. Applications external to BPMS may not be in the same platform as the BPMS product. So the process data in BPMS have to be exposed as services. A process task might be presented in an external portal / may be in a mobile application. BPM architecture should be scalable enough to support the presentation of BPM process data as services.
Process as Service
A lot of BPM products provide capability to expose the process as a service itself. The service thus exposed should be checked for WS-1 compatibility or the latest interoperability standards. If not, it is better to have a custom developed service which would invoke the corresponding process. The in-house developed service will have more advantages in terms of flexibility, re-usability and maintainability.
Process Versioning
It is quite often that a deployed process undergoes some changes after ever release. How to make sure that any subsequent deployments would not break the in-flight instances of previous versions of the process? Well the solution for this problem cannot be addressed with one aspect. The issue of in-flight instances continues to haunt many successful programs. In-flight instance management should be dealt at an architecture and process design level. This is definitely a broader topic and the solution differs from product to product, and this calls for a separate post.
Application Data Model
There is a need to segregate the data model of the BPM product with the BPM application data. The data model of the application has to be separate from BPM product schema. Sometimes, BPM artifact data like process id, process data names have to be referred in the BPM application code. So there is a need to persist BPM process data along with the application data in application schema. Hard-coding of artifact names should be avoided in the application code and these have to be configured from a database. For instance, if process name is referred in application code, then it is advisable to have a database table with all process names and a reference from the application code can be fetched from the database table.
Exception handling
Exception handling is covered in a separate post.
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