Process Data versus Business Data
The process data is the one which supplements the process, but not crucial for the actual completion of the process. KPI, SLA and metrics are few examples of process data. A KPI or SLA might be based on a business data but as such it may not be required for process execution. Business data is the actual driver of the process and would take it to completion. In an Insurance industry the business data would look like, an insurance id, a claim id, insurance expiry date etc. Business data is critical for process execution and the process directly depends on the business data for the process to complete.
Failure of process instance cannot be always avoided. But what would be unavoidable, is of course the graceful recovery of the process instance. A process instance can fail for variety of reasons ranging from unavailability of system resources, data issues, network outages and technical glitches. The more prominent of these are the data issues.
A process instance in a telecom infrastructure provider would typically execute for months. If the telecom provider has a process implementation, to lay trans-Atlantic cables from continental United States to Europe, such a process instance can get executed for multiple months. In due course of time, if the process instance fails, the situation may not demand to create the process instance altogether from the beginning of the process and it is more likely it may not be possible at all, since the business data has undergone changes in due course of the process traversal. In such scenarios the process instance no matter what has to be gracefully recovered.
A large scale BPM implementation would require a unified user interface for the business user community. The out of the box portal packaged in the BPM suite may not be flexible enough for extreme customizations. Also, process instance search is a ubiquitous functionality which would act as a first interfacing point for the user.
One possible technical solution is to combine the process data and business data together as Database view, by which expensive database joins can be avoided between multiple tables of the business data schema and process data schema.
BPM Exception Handling
Exception handling is one of the prime aspects of software design which attributes to the robustness of the application. Exception handling gains more significance in BPM space, since exceptions had to be dealt both at a system level and at a business level.
The significance of exception handling at a process modeling step cannot be ignored. There is a need to handle ACID transactions in BPM, with a business solution and it has to be captured in the model with business semantics. For instance, a classic example of flight, hotel and rental car booking when deemed as a single atomic transaction cannot always be dealt at a system level. If flight booking and hotel booking are two different applications in two different domains (if flight carrier and hotel are different companies), then system transactions cannot be propagated and even if it seems to be possible, system level locks for transaction may not be possible to be obtained since the whole transaction may exceed beyond days to complete. The ideal way to deal with this situation is to have three distinct transactions as business process and even if one fails the other transactions must be canceled using a business process. If flight booking has been confirmed and if hotel booking transaction fails, then flight booking should also be canceled, wherein flight cancellation must be modeled as a separate business process.
It becomes imperative for a BPM solution to handle system level exceptions gracefully. Since process instances can span across business days, in case of system exceptions the process state has to be persisted and should be able to recover from the state where it was left. This may not be possible always for each and every process instance. Sometimes there is a good chance that a process instance may get into an irrecoverable state. In such scenarios, it may not be desirable for the users to create a new process instance altogether. The alternatives for irrecoverable instances due to system exceptions are few, and one probable solution could be to create a new process instance and associate the
application process data with the new instance, and programmatically navigate process the instance to the workflow step where it failed.
Another alternative is to create an exception business process. Any system level exception occurring in any of the application business process would trigger the exception business process, which would notify the user about the exception. Also exception process can notify a repair/admin team about the exception. Having a repair queue of exceptions can help the repair/admin team to get first hand information about the exception without the need for notification from the business users about what had happened. Also, irrecoverable process instances can be dealt internally within the IT team, without burdening the business users.
Process Versioning
A process undergoes lot of changes in a BPM lifecycle with multiple iterative implementations. The BPM System Architecture must be potent enough to handle multiple versions of process instances. Most of the modern BPM suites come pre-packaged with utilities to migrate the process instances from an obsolete version to higher versions. However, a process instance in an older version may not be always possible to migrate to a higher version, due to external system dependencies, when the external system itself would have undergone a version change along with the process. This is again in-line with the process data versus business data debate. The battle lines between process data and business data have to be carefully drawn in such way that any data on external system should not be a part of process data. A better way to hold reference to external application data is to hold reference to the unique business key attribute of the external system.
These are the some of the many items that must be considered for a BPM System Architecture. If the segregation between process data and application data can be achieved then having the BPM System Architecture would bring the additional flexibility in terms of solution design.